Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Gnomes have had at me!

It all started rather innocuously at the end of May. I had to buy flowers for the cemetary plots for Memorial Day. But of course, I over-bought and had to put them in my garden. But then there weren't enough and my garden looked dorky. Can't have a dorky garden now, can we?? But I'd promised I would not go crazy at the garden center this year. Okay I can buy a few more flats. And then I went there. And they had these GORGEOUS tuberous begonia's. And they offset my mom's planter so well. I've managed to keep this planter intact for the last 11 years since Dad told me to take all her plants home with me. But this year it looks...spectacular. And there were so many colors that I added some to the window box on the side of my shed, which really brightens up an otherwise dingy corner.

After purchasing 3 giant hanging plants for the porch by the back door, and more flats for the garden underneath, I decided I needed to go back to the garden center, where the owner starts to salivate when he sees my van pulling into the parking lot. I needed more potting soil. And how could I resist some perennials. Look! They have a gold edged Hosta. Ooooh, I've always wanted a giant leaved, gold edged hosta! Oh, and a reverse has white centers rather than green...and on it goes. Now I have added 5 planter boxes to go on the rail at the porch by the back door. They are between the hanging plants and the garden below, with some trailing ivy type plants to bridge downward, even as the airy plants below reach upwards...

Then I go to that big Orange Hardware Store. Yeah, I needed some eye bolts. Truly, I did. It wasn't my fault that there was an empty parking space in front of the Garden Center area.
Nu-uh. I don't know HOW that coreopsis got into the carriage, but I do remember putting in the giant purple iris, the pink and white margarites....

.....the sedum, the two catmints...oh there's more but I can't recall all of them just now. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I got so caught up with these wonderful perennial choices that I forgot the screw eyes and had to make a second trip. And there was a glorious pot of brown eyed susan's just begging to come home....

1 comment:

Laume said...

My mom used to have pots of those begonias on our front porch every summer when I was little.

I've also been bringing home plants on each visit to the market or Walmart. This is the first year I've managed to plant my flower pots in the back yard. Now, if I could just get the rest of the mess cleaned up.