Sunday, September 21, 2008

once a red head...

...always a red head!

Yup, I colored my hair back to red. Been a redhead nearly 20 years now, and this last year or two have been flirting with all shades of brown up to darker blonde. Well, with that one awful exception of brilliant lizard yellow that was so gacky I recolored it myself a few days later.

But I found haircolor at the grocery store and it was on deep discount...only to discover that it was TEMPORARY...bummer. Well, I used it anyway and now I know how much I love being a redhead.

My mood went up, my dispostion, which can't really be deemed "sunny" on the best of days, as we keep losing the sunlight, really did brighten up, and for an added bonus, all my kids AND my wife love it!

Added to that, I'm growing it out and it's shoulder length already after just a year, and it was soooo short...I can pony it (well, a silly one!) but spent most of the summer with it clipped up in a neat way to get it off my neck. But just now it feels nice and long and I like it!

pic's to come later!

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