Saturday, October 04, 2008

Posting Spooky #3

Okay, if this isn't a scary picture, I don't know
what is! No makeup, end of the day, home from
work, and Oh My!

And then there is this breathtaking photo! OMG!
is that MY chin, and chin, and chin??

OOkay, still no make up, but at least I's got

a smile on my face!! The end of a l-o-n-g day..
only day I work outside the house, missing my
kids, but I do get some projects done if it's slow...
of course, if it's slow, the time creeps by.

Well, I guess that's all the creative spookyness
I can dish out tonight. My brain has come
unwrapped like a mummy..hey, wait, I am
a mummy...well, heehee, the cobwebs are
growing faster than my brainwaves can keep
up with, so I guess I'll creak up to my room,
where it's quiet as a tomb, and read my
tome (Friday Night Knitting Club) which I just
started today. When I got home from work.
Because I left it on the kitchen table instead of
BRINGING it to work, like the dummy mummy
I can be!

End it already!
how mwahhahahahahahaha....creepy!

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