Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'Sall bout me!

yah, no posties in a month, then two in one day. Just wanted to show the "refreshed" redhead (gad it had been fer-eva since I last did my roots...eeek!) and the longer hair. Boy it's growin' like a weed, already in the middle of my back and I didn't think it would get there before Yule...
Been knitting like crazy...doing mittens for a friend that works for Headstart and trying to get 18 pair done before winter, plus a vest for me before the house gets really chilly, a beautiful scarf, then a second vest in another colorway (first is gradient tones of brown, very earthy and lovely, the new one will be shades of deep blue into earth green, think "melted globe" colors ...yanno, like melting down a planetary globe...those deep ocean blues and earthy greens melting into peacock and cobalt...I'll promise to post pics when both are done. Then there's all the jammie sewing, and some tunics for Lissa...phew! Between that, homeschooling two kids (one is kindergarten, so it's a bit easier, and he LOVES to learn!), keeping up the house, I'm busy busy.
Trying to limit my computer time so I can get everything ...well, I was going to say done, but who am I kidding??? More, so that I can keep my head above water! Still have to trim the hedge, paint the back shed, trim backyard bushes, harvest more tomato's (okay who the hell has a major tomato harvest in late September fer crissakes??????? It's apple season, Goddess!!!)
ahhhh, life is strange in New England!

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