Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday night....

...and nothing much is going on here. But I have a few minutes so I thought I'd catch up. Oh. Wait. There is nothing to catch up's been raining here in New England for about forever. We even got 3 addition inches today to add to whatever has fallen since last Sunday. Whoopdie doo. That would be a full week of rain, with more rain forecast for tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. What a drag. The weeds in the backyard are looking like they are heading for the house with evil intent. The brook is flowing at capacity, any higher and I could lose a blueberry bush. The blueberry bushes are blooming, that's the photo you see at the top of the page, but with all the rain the bee's are not out to fertilize. Wonder how that will affect the apple crop this fall, too.

Okay. That's enough whining for one night! Moonsinger out!

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