Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Mood

Blah Blah Blah and then my kids blah blah blah

and then I blah blah blah

and then my spouse blah blah blah

and my son grrrrrr

geeze already.


get over it.


I sewed a pair of pajamas for my son the 4 y o

I have 1000 things to do before camping.

I had the stomach crud and spent most of yesterday with my pal John,

and thus lost 30 hours pre camping prep time (hence the Bad Mood).

I'm over it.

I think.


1 comment:

Laume said...

LOL - since this was a month ago, I hope you're long over it. But blah blah blah? Is that why they call it "the blahs"? I had a case of them - hormonally charged no less! - the end of last week. It was not pretty.