Monday, September 25, 2006

Wordplay, L is for...

Lambs, they truly gambol about in the spring!(this one was born at Wachusett Meadow Audubon Sanctuary, in Princeton MA in early April)
Love, the biggest L of them all...and Lee, the Love of my Life...
Lynne, my Little sister, another love...
Lights at holiday time, something I look forward to seeing but not putting up (those dratted extension cords!!)
Living room, one of the most under-utilized rooms in my home, the kitchen should really be called the living room as we spend so much time there...
Lancaster, the next town over where my son got his first job at age 20 and I'm so proud of him...
Leominster...the city I reside in, but not the place of my dreams, still not bad for a city of 45,000 residents. We have a Lovely home, and a nice yard for the kids.......
Land in Maine, where I want to retire to, someday, with a smallish house and a sewing room all my own and enough room for 2 or 3 Irish setters...
Labels...sometimes I do, sometimes I don't love, in joy-factor, in my family...ya, I'm lucky!
Limo...never been in one!
Lime, a wonderful color. My smallest size jeans so far are lime green.
Lentils, what we had for dinner tonight! yummy and sooo good for you!
Limerick, one of my favorite kinds of poems,
Licorice...yuk. 'nuf said.
Limber,,,something I've never been, really.
Loons...I remember the first time I heard them, on a lake in New Hampshire (not Golden Pond! but near there)
Lions...ya, I love those big furry kitties.
Limp...with fatigue...time to go to bed!

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