Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wordplay, H is for...

This is totally random, no particular order, just as they pop into my tired here goes, and I'm Hopeful that I will catch up to all the other Wordplay folks who have been so dedicated and interesting! I feel when I'm with my family
Hotdogs...why I'm only a 99% vegetarian. I just love 'em.
Hamburgers...I only like the veggie kind now.
How...KC's newest word
Hair...well, you've read my blog. I'm Hair obsessessed!
Holy Cow Batman! One of my favorite campy shows from my childhood...with all the variations on Holy they came up with!
Hash...I've not had hash since I was 18 and still living at home. I loved when my mom made it.
Hugs...something I love giving and getting. I'm a very huggy person.
Hail...I'm fascinated by weather, and hail is right up there, no pun intended!
Harrowing...I love that word in novels...along with Heroine and Hero
Halloooow...the sound that comes out of a cave when you yell into it!
Healing...I believe in healing touch and Healing energies of the most powerful and underutilized words in the English language.
Hazard...listening to the radio to one of the pop stations with your 10 y/o son in the car....
Hills...I live in hilly country. I don't know how people live in the plains...there is so much space there...
Hiccup. The baby and I just laugh and laugh when one of us gets them.
Hilfenger? I am so not into designer jeans and clothing
Hillbilly...going to her website ( has helped me get some wonderful ideas for doing things on the cheap, despite our obvious religious differences, she has great recipes and ideas for saving money.
Heeheehee....ya, you get it!
Hush...the sound that happens now at 5 a.m when I'm walking the dog in the darkness that comes with late summer
Hangover...been so long since I last had one I have nearly forgotten how bad it used to be, lol! except for the throwing up. I still remember that.
Here...where I wish my mom was
Heaven...where I know she is
Haven...what I hope my home is for my kids, always.
Hollyhocks..did not do so well in the garden this year
Hummingbirds...we had one in the yard in the spring but Haven't seen him since.
Hate...something I wish I could wave my arm and abolish

1 comment:

Laume said...

Hotdog - you know they do have veggie hotdogs - not bad tasting either
Hollyhocks - mine didn't do that great this year either. And they bloomed rather late. As did my yarrow...
And why is it hazardous to share the radio with your ten year old? Things come on the radio that he shouldn't hear? I'm confused. And is Robbie really ten already!!?? Wooshhhh - that time sure races by fast!