Friday, October 24, 2008


This was my perspective while lying in my
camp chair at the end of August. It was lovely,
warm, sunny. Lee and kids were at the beach,
I was back at camp with the dog, as dogs are
not allowed at the beach until after 4 p.m. or
something weird like that...ahhhh, peace,
quiet, ......

Oh, there's my footsies...and the camp stove.
Do I want a cuppa?......

Naw, I'll just doze here awhile....

Yeah. So I was puttering around earlier this
evening, kinda planning out the weekend...
I mean T G I F for sure this week...busy every
day, no down time, just on the go from 530 a.m
until 11 pm...I'm just beat. And tomorrow I work
out of the house, but, NO ALARM CLOCK!!!
The one day I can sleep until 7!! Sometimes I
get up earlier, but Saturday, my clock is
sleeping in too!
Anyway, that's off the subject. I was looking at
the calendar for the weekend and the upcoming
week, another busy one, with mucho DR.
appointments. Rob has a glaucoma check up
that is a "long" appointment where they dialate
his eyes and take a ton of readings to check
progression on Tuesday, and then he, Lee, and
his older brother all have flu shots in the afternoon.
The littles and I have ours the day before. There are
other things, like I have to work extra hours Thurs.
and Friday. Bummer, I have to work on Halloween.
But I do get to dress up, as we host the party for the
kids who live at the apartment complex where I work
in the clubhouse. It's a gathering area for the kids
and the party is always exhausting! Then I realized..
That means next Saturday is the first day of NOVEMBER!
I mean, wasn't I just laying in that lawn chair and
taking pix of my feet for this blog???? Wha?
Where? Where has the time gone? And yet, I know
the days have been full. We have had morning walks
together, the kids and I. Music Movement classes
for the littles in Worcester. Trips here and there.
Work. Gardening. Canning. Cooking and freezing.
Yardwork, final camping trips, reading books, painting
Okay, I guess all of that can't fit in one or two days.
So the time has passed, well spent.
No days of lolling about, to be sure. We're not "lolling" people,
but we're not overprogrammed, either.
November. Wow.
Feel that wheel spin, much?!

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